
CSV Upload

Placing orders with the CSV upload is relatively easy, once you understand how it works. To get started, you can download the template here.

You'll need a spreadsheet program to use the template effectively, such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers or Open Office, which is an open source clone of Microsoft Office. Technically you can open and edit CSV files with a text editor, but we don't recommend it.

To use the template, simply copy your order data into the appropriate column on the template. You can see the column descriptions and requirements below. Each item in an order will occupy a single row. Multiple items in an order will share the same "external_order_id", but will still need all other columns filled out. Orders are defined by the "external_order_id" field.

For instance, if you have an order with 4 items, you will need to fill out 4 rows. Each row will have an identical value in the "external_order_id" field.