

The installation process is straightforward, but if you encounter any issues, please contact us.

Installing the App

You can find our app here, or go to the app area of your store and search the App Store for "PrintOps".

Click on the Add App button.

Install Shopify App

Agree to the scope of permissions that our app is requesting.

Agree to scopes

Create a new account on or login if you already have an account.

Create an Account

Confirm you want to connect your store.

Confirm Store Connection

Store view

The Store view is where you get an overview of your store, see your orders, shipments and products.
To see more details about orders, shipments or products, just click the title above each section or card.

To navigate to your store, click on the "Stores" dropdown menu on the top navigation bar, and your store should appear in the list.
You can also select "All Stores" from the list that will take you to the Stores page.

Manage Shopify Details

Manage Settings

Within the Store view, if you have connected your Shopify store, you'll see a "Manage Shopify Settings" button.
On the settings page, you will be able to connect your SKUs (products and variants) to products that you create on
This connection is necessary so that when an order is forwarded to us from your Shopify store, the system knows what product to produce.

'Shopify Installation',
'Syncing Shopify',
'Connecting Products',
'Shopify Orders',
'Shopify Shipping',